Jacky wu , the person who signed the contract with jay , will play a critical part as the witness . the two people may even meet up in the courtroom 而当初签下周董的吴宗宪,将成为全案的关键证人,两人甚至有可能在法庭上碰面。
Today , he has already written for some of the most popular asian singers , including coco lee , jacky wu , valen hsu , power station , etc 几个年轻瘦长的身影在夜色中摇晃,集体的释放属于他们的e世代与力量,精力充沛的声音在球场上回荡
Jay chou , vincent fang , landy wen and other alfa artisties ringed up and gave their regards to jacky wu , upon knowing their teacher was seriously injured in a violent fight that happened few days ago 恩师吴宗宪日前发生被殴事件,周杰伦、方文山、温岚等阿尔发艺人,都有打电话慰问吴宗宪。
As for comperes , the richest is still jacky wu with nt $ 110m in the bank , while the modelling money - ringer is lin chi - ling who , despite a back injury and being out of action for three months , still took home nt $ 68m 主持人方面,最富裕的仍是一亿一千万台币存款的吴宗宪;模特林志玲尽管背部受伤闭关三个月,但仍获得六千八百万台币。
Jacky Wu (; born September 26, 1962 in Tainan, Taiwan) or Xian Ge (?哥, literally "Elder Brother Xian"), is a celebrity from Taiwan. He is an accomplished talk show host, singer and actor.